Terry Tan

Age :21 years old
Course :IT System Support,CCNA
Company :Tiong Nam Logistics Holdings Bhd

Position :IT Executive

刚满21岁的我,就拿到了Diploma。这不只是我自己,就连我周遭的亲人和 朋友都感到意外。 原本成绩不好的我,在中学毕业后,真的不知该往什么方向发展,前途茫茫,直到我进入了NSIT电脑技术学院,我终于找到了我的目标。 现在的我已经拿到了Diploma,还找到了理想的工作。我所学的知识让我在职场上学以致用,应付每个挑战性的问题,尤其是网络管理领域。在这里我要感谢老师们的教导及同学们的鼓励

I achieved my Diploma at the age of 21. It really surprising my family, friends and myself. I felt lost after I graduated from secondary school until I decided to further my study at NSIT Academy. I got my Diploma and ideal job now. Everything I learnt from NSIT help me to go through different kind of challenges. Lastly, I would like to thanks my teachers and friends from NSIT for their encouragement.

Age:21 years old
Course :IT System Support ,CCNA
Company :D-Link International Pte Ltd (Singapore)

Position :Mis Executive

Jeffrey Chun

在NSIT电脑技术学院学习了一年让我领悟到了很多电脑知识也看透了电脑科技发展所带来的影响力。在这间学院我得到了老师们的支持与鼓励并提高自我的信心, 从中我也学习领悟到思考逻辑如何应变一种问题且判断出一个正确的答案,每一天我带着疑问和好奇的问题寻问老师而得到了结果答案。很庆幸能来到这儿并成为我人生的转捩点。感谢老师和同学们的互相帮助,激励引导我往正确的方向前进,没耽误了时间后悔莫及。在此希望我们能一起奋斗努力学习达成我们的目标!

In this one year of study at NSIT Academy, I have gained a lot of IT knowledge and realized IT is really important in this era. Luckily, I have my teacher and friends’ encouragement which help me to become more confident. I am so grateful to NSIT which broaden my horizon about this field and help me to keep on moving in my favourite field. I hope we can work together and fight for our dream!

Ng Eng Hock

Age:20 years old
Course:IT System Support
Company :Omni-Plus System Pte Ltd (Singapore)

Position:IT Support Engineer

别人说毕业等于失业,但我觉得毕业却是一个全新的开始。 感谢NSIT电脑技术学院, 引导我走向成功之路让我实现梦想。在这里不只学习了很多电脑技术知识,而且英文程度也进步了。老师同学间就像一个大家庭互相鼓励扶持,感谢老师们的细心教导,让我找到了一份理想的工作, 我会继续努力达成我的目标!

Others say graduation is equal to unemployment, but I think graduation is a new beginning. Thanks to the NSIT Academy for guiding me to the road of success and help me on my dream. I am not only improved my IT  knowledge here, but the English level has also improved. Teachers and classmates are just like a big family who will encouraging each other. I would like to express my gratitude to my teacher which guide me to find an ideal job, I will continue to work hard to achieve my goal!

Age :21 years old
Course :IT System Support ,CCNA
Company :Everbex Technologies Sdn. Bhd.

Position:Network Engineer

Koh Boon Fong


After my military service, I felt so lost about my future. After some time of hesitation, I decided to learn some skills. So, I choose IT and NSIT Academy. During my study period, my teachers and friends always guided me and accompanied me when I wanted to give up. Lastly, I managed to achieve Diploma. I am so glad that I can pursue my dream and achieve my goals. Thank you NSIT Academy for lighting up my life!

Phoon Jun Jie

Age:21 years old
Course :- Diploma in IT System Support 
– Advanced Diploma in IT System Support

Enrollment Year : 2017 to 2019

NSIT 真的在我追求目标的过程中给予了我很多帮助。我很荣幸被选为 City & Guilds国际文凭奖学金的受惠者。这项奖学金提供了100%的学费以示鼓励。我很感谢我的老师,Mr Elwin和我的同学们在我的求学道路上不断的给予我鼓励和帮助

NSIT has really helping me a lot in reaching my goals. I was rewarded City & Guilds International Bursary which 100% full course fee. I would like to thank Mr Elwin and my classmates for their encouragement and guidance along my study path.

Age :20 years old
Course : – Diploma in Software Developers
– Advanced Diploma in IT System Support

 Enrollment Year : 2017 to 2019

Loh Chuan Yee


I am truly appreciate the learning experiences in NSIT. Not only learning software programming here, my English level and presentation skills has improved too.